There are some conditions that may cause a person to take refuge with hip replacement surgeries, new studies suggest, showing the circumstances that may have long-term impact on chronic hip pain and other debilitating effects. When there is severe pain already and you cannot sleep through it, and when it is getting harder and harder to get up and perform your daily routine, replacement surgery may be resorted to. But there is always a bad side of the story. Hip replacements, no matter how convenient, also has its share of bad effects. Others experienced a defective ASR implant of DePuy and filed complaints about it.

But you cannot help yourself to succumb into getting a hip replacement surgery when there is tremendous pain and that pain relievers are no longer an option. Here are the top diseases that lead to hip replacement surgery:

OSTEOARTHRITIS occurs when cartilage on the end of bone begins wearing away, causing pain and rigidity. When the cartilage wears away totally, the bones rub directly against each other causing diminished movement and chronic pain. Osteoarthritis is usually seen in people 50 years old and above, and those with a family history of arthritis or with lifestyles that strain the hip joints, such as athletes and workers.

AVASCULAR NECROSIS is the ailment in which the head of the femur loses some of its blood supply and actually dies. This may be be triggered by disease, or a severe trauma, such as a break or dislocation, that affects the blood supply to the bone. Often times, though, there is no trauma or disease. This is called idiopathic osteonecrosis, about which the cause is unknown.

TRAUMATIC ARTHRITIS sometimes results from a serious hip injury or fracture. The articular cartilage becomes damaged and, over time, causes hip pain and stiffness.

HIP FRACTURES as well as some kinds of hip conditions that appear in childhood such as developmental dysplasia, congenital dislocation of hip and Perthes disease can also lead to deterioration, many years after an injury and require the need for hip replacement surgery.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is apparently an autoimmune disease in which the synovial membrane becomes inflamed. The membrane then yields too much synovial fluid, damaging the articular cartilage.

Prevention remains a good positioning against any of these diseases, if only to avoid any pain and hip replacement surgeries and also to save yourself from the serious side effects brought by some products like DePuy ASR XL System, which are used in performing this operation, resulting to DePuy hip device recall.

